My Diet Tips


  • Eat well. – 3 meals a day and NO snacking. Use intermittent fasting approach (IF) to help achieve this as well as instilling good eating discipline into your lifestyle. My IF is currently 8 hour feed and 16 hour fast. My first meal is round 11:30 and my last meal is around 19:30.  After 1930, i’m usually satisfied until I go to sleep and I tend to feel hungry when I wake up but I’m able to hold-off until 1130 for my first meal of that day.
  • Don’t use IF when Bulking.
  • Don’t bulk until you are 10-12% bodyfat to ensure you minimise fat gains (10-12% means better nutrition partitioning). At this point you should be able to see your abs in the mirror.
  • Have a cheat day a week so that metabolism does not slow down and testosterone levels don’t drop (also known as a re-feed day)
  • When cutting, eat 500 cals less than what you require but ensure once a week you have a re-feed day per the above. To figure out roughly how many calories you require you can use this calculator
  • When cutting, ensure your daily protein/fat/carb split is near 33/33/33 (balanced diet).
  • During cut, you may eventually find that you are not really hungry in between meals. This is a sign that your metabolism has slowed down (not good). You may need to cut some more calories so that during the cut phase, you are always hungry between meals. The hunger should be manageable rather than painful/starving. If you are absolutely starving between meals to the point you feel weak etc, this is not a good sign as you’ll mess up your hormone balance so you may need to add some calories back in to get to a hunger point that is ‘manageable’.
  • When cutting, eat slowly as it takes time for food to reach the parts of the small intestine where cells release a hormone called PYY that tells your brain you are full. When bulking, eat quickly.
  • Don’t use creatine when cutting as it retains a lot of water weight which may skew with your results to cut.
  • As a rule of thumb, your waist in CM should be less than half your height in CM.
  • Don’t stress as this release fat promoting hormones.
  • Good sleep – Average of 6 – 8 hours, if not more.
  • Avoid drinking calories such as fizzy drinks. Stick to water / green tea.
  • Drink plenty of water. Use this calculator to gauge roughly how much water you need.
  • Avoid root based vegetables such as potatoes, beet root, carrot as they are starchy carbs which raises blood sugar levels quicker and does not keep you satiated for longer. Vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, cauliflower are much better.

 Once a day:

  • Multi-vitamin
  • Fish oil and Vitamin D
  • Protein rich breakfast as it keeps you fuller for longer
  • Sleep 7-8 hour a day and use ZMA before sleeping. ZMA promotes sleep and testosterone production. Testosterone aids with fat loss and muscle building.
  • Eat one teaspoon of coconut oil to promote testosterone and metabolism.

With every meal: 

  • Tabasco Sauce: Increased metabolism, increase water thirst, decreases appetite (eat less)
  • Green Tea: Promotes HCL hormone which is responsible for burning fat and supresses appetite.

Appetite Suppressants 

  • Green Tea
  • 2 pieces of dark chocolate (70% coco)
  • Tea spoon of Coconut oil.


  • Hot beverages = Green Tea
  • Oils/spreads = Coconut oil
  • Whites = browns / whole meal
  • Chocolates = Fruit